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36 Gould St
Manchester, M4 4RN

0161 819 2767

Blackjack brewery / Blackjack Beers, making great beers since 2012. Based in Manchesters Green Quarter tucked under a railway arch, boasting events and tastings in the beer garden. Home to Glassworks Drinks Distribution & the Six O Clock Brewer.

Brewery Blog

The History of Angel Meadow with Dean Kirby

Joe Bird

The history of neighbourhood, Angel Meadow, is industrious, dark and fascinating. When Ensemble developed our new brand, they ran with this history as a focal theme of our new identity. I thought it would be interesting to dive further into this history; I caught up with Dean Kirby - a local historian, host of the history podcast Every But A Beach and journalist with a specialist knowledge of the history of the area.