With litigation on going and people with clipboards and important sounding job titles arguing over the exact positioning of an LPG tank, power was out of our hands once more, but ultimately our fate riding on the coming weeks we had to act. Back to that word I hate, pivot. What do you do with a gas powered brewery when you cant get gas? Yeah, that is correct my friends you convert it to electric. Thanks again to the amazing help from the team at Gravity we installed elements in our HLT and Kettle. It's not ideal, in fact we would have designed it from the ground up different if this was our final solution, but for now it'll have to do. It'll get us brewing, it'll get our team back to work. We'll keep fighting to get our gas, we'll get it done, but we've got to take in our own hands our own destiny and get brewing.
Would you believe this started at 5am as a quick post to socials to let our fans know that today, the 29/04/2021 Blackjack is brewing again. We'll be joined today by Jenn Merrick who works with Gravity to onboard new breweries and offer salient advice but brewers new and old. A total mix of emotions has kept me awake most of the night, trepidations for gremlins in the system, excitement to get brewing, nerves about the industry and self-doubt after so long with out defined purpose and dates. But today we brew, and what are we brewing? Blonde, that beer that saw out the old kit, a beer quaffed at the marketbars by our fans. It’s not cutting edge, but when that first cask gets tapped it’ll be the most well deserved and hard fought for pint I’ll ever have.
The best plans of mice and men, whats missing? Whats left to do? Budgets existed and for an amazing rebrand to really launch us into the stratosphere, time and tutorage to really understand what we are about, to communicate our dream to you all. A canning line to get our beer out to the people, lab gear to put us amongst the best breweries in the country, all this on hold but queued up read to roll just as soon as we can get brewing and get beer back out there and start turning the wheels of industry once more. Whilst we may be missing some items of our dream list, we do have this kit and that’s all we do have, but because of its quality and compromise design we’re going to make the best damned beer we can and that’s all we can do. So no big rebrand launch or inviting people to our dream tap but we’ve been here before, would it really be Blackjack if it was 100% ready and 100% slick? It’s almost like starting again, 9 years back, completely wiped and back to the start but we have this kit we have a desire as a team to brew the best damn beer we can. Wish us good luck and please do try our beer because we’ve tried really hard to get to this point and with this kit we can do so much still. Not what we intended but we have this. And we have our team and it’s show time.
The brewery tap space is a work in progress, it’s taken a backseat for the reasons above, we’ll get open this summer, again not in idea ways, but enough to show you what we have done. So keep an eye out and come visit some time.
Summary, it’s been bloody tough but we cant wait to share what we are going to make. But we've got loads of great new beers to show you in the future, we cant wait to stretch our legs and brew the beers we have always wanted to. We cant wait to get our Market Bars back open, welcome you back into the Smithfield and also show you around our brewery and tap, the focus of so much energy, blood, sweat & tears from the last 14 months.
We'll see you soon..